Personal transformation Coaching

Find Your Light

You are whole. You are equipped with everything you need in order to thrive and live a magnificent life, both in and out of work. And yet, thoughts, beliefs, and stories that no are no longer serving you may have become entrenched and habitual over time, leaving you feeling stuck, unsatisfied and unclear what to do next.

Coaching is not about “adding” anything. It’s about subtracting and removing that which is holding you back.



My approach is influenced by Martha Beck and The Work of Byron Katie which focus on uncovering limiting beliefs and stories that are holding you back from achieving clarity, fulfillment and satisfaction. Like barnacles on a swim mask, beliefs and stories stick themselves to us over time making it hard to see life clearly.


Our work is to pull these suckers off. Once you do that, you’ll know what to do next. As we work, I’ll ask direct questions and challenge thought patterns that might be getting in your way. This is where the work gets gritty and awesome and ah-ha moments start smacking you upside the head. (in a good way).


Potential Coaching Outcomes

Emotional Peace. Stillness. No more spinning in the monkey mind. Moving past old stories that no longer serve you. A fresh viewpoint. Deep satisfaction. Joy. Excitement to start each day.
Financial Abundance mindset vs. lack mindset. No more wasting time and money. Opening up to new opportunities. No more spending on frivolities to fill the void.
Spiritual A deep sense that you KNOW what to do. Being more truly *you*. A life lived in integrity. No more second-guessing. A deeper connection to life.
Practical The ability to create a clear action plan that you can follow starting now. A whole new way of being in the world, from the inside out vs. the outside in. A life lived with purpose and intent. An ability to refrain from food, substances, addictions, spending that were a previous source of fulfillment.

Connect directly with me to discuss if coaching is right for you.

We will have a leisurely conversation so that you can discover what a huge difference even a small amount of coaching can make. There is no charge and zero pressure to sign up for anything. Chemistry matters. You need to decide if I’m right for you and vice versa.


“You don’t need to see the whole staircase, just the first step.”

— Martin Luther King Jr.


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